Puppies prague ratters – litter “U”

Uchvatná is very beautiful girl, bur very small.

7 weeks old

4 weeks old

18 days old, open eyes

9 days old :-)

1.11.2014 of birth to 5 puppies!

    • Užasná: female brown and tan, she was born at 6:53 pm, birth weight 134 g
    • Uličník: male black and tan, he was born at 7:13 pm, birth weight 114 g
    • Uzlíček: male black and tan, he was born at 7:40 pm, birth weight 126 g
    • Uchvatná :female black and tan, she was born at 8:37 pm, birth weight 112 g
    • Unikát : male black and tan, he was born at 9:08 pm, birth weight 114 g

30.9. confirmed pregnancy in post more puppies.

28. 8.2014  cover our female Opalka Spero meliora with young male Vagabund Proper puppy